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  • Original poster and frame for less than £100

  • Original music posters 100% authentic and rare

    The world's largest collection of original music posters

  • Oasis Original Posters

    Whats The Story Morning Glory promo posters

  • Original Oasis Knebworth Gig Posters

    Own a little part of music history.

  • Original 90's Promo Posters

    Original promo posters from the 1990's

  • Original Poster Wall Art

    Original promo posters from yesteryear

  • Original Rolling Stones posters

    Orignal tour posters for the legendary rockers

Original Music Posters and Film Posters

Authentic, guaranteed 100% original music posters and film posters

We sell rare and collectable original lithographic and screen-printed music posters, guaranteed 100% genuine.

Rare and collectable music posters for music and film fans

All our original music posters and film posters are from the original print run commissioned at the time.

Original music posters exclusive to The Original Poster Shop

The majority of the music posters we stock are entirely exclusive to us and cannot be found anywhere else.

The world’s largest collection of original 1990’s - Mid 2000's music posters.

We stock a huge range of original music posters that were produced to promote singles albums and tours.
We specialise in posters for Brit Pop bands, classic rock groups, legendary singer-songwriters and chart topping acts including:
Oasis posters, Muse posters, Paul Weller posters, Rolling Stones posters, Spice Girls posters, Gorillaz posters, Radiohead posters, Linkin Park posters as well as many Metal, Punk, Rage, Rap and Hip Hip posters.